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Energy Healer.


I am Sinthiya Saya & Welcome. As an energy worker with a deep understanding of the power of energetic frequencies, I am dedicated to helping my clients manifest their desired outcomes. Through my expertise in shifting and aligning energetic frequencies, I assist individuals in creating positive changes in their lives. By tapping into the energy that surrounds us, I facilitate the manifestations process and support my clients in becoming aligned. 


I use my psychic and intuitive abilities to tune in and clear your energy blocks. 
We then align & shift your energy so you can manifest the life you truly desire.




One of the key techniques I utilize is energetic clearing. I recognize that our energy fields can become blocked or imbalanced due to various factors, such as past experiences, negative beliefs, or external influences. Through specialized practices, I help my clients release and clear these stagnant energies, allowing for a more harmonious and aligned state. By removing energetic blocks, we create space for new possibilities and experiences to flow into their lives. 


Conscious intention-setting is another essential aspect of my work. I guide my clients in becoming aware of their intentions and desires, and together, we set clear and focused intentions for their manifestations. By consciously directing their energy and attention towards what they truly desire, they become active participants in co-creating their reality. Through this process, they learn to harness their innate power to shape their lives according to their deepest aspirations. 


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Visualization practices play a significant role in my approach. I encourage my clients to engage in vivid and detailed visualizations that align with their desires. By mentally and emotionally immersing themselves in these visualizations, they tap into the power of their imagination and connect with the energetic essence of their desired outcomes. This process helps them align energy with their intentions and strengthens their belief in the manifestations process.


Throughout our work together, I emphasize the importance of understanding and harnessing the energy that permeated every aspect of our existence. By working with energy consciously and intentionally, my clients can unlock their true potential and create profound transformations in their lives. I am passionate about empowering individuals to embrace their own energetic power and

“It’s the possibility of having a dream come true, that makes life interesting” 

- Paulo Coelho


Clearing Energy Blocks

My psychic abilities allows me to see your blocks, thoughts, behaviours, patterns, decisions, emotions and past lives that are affecting your life. 

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My psychic and intuitive abilities allows me to tune into your energy body and see the limitations that have been created, to help you shift into creating the reality that you do want.


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After having clearing and coaching sessions with Sinthiya, she gave me some great realisations and tips and I put them into practice. After a few weeks things started shifting, my SP got in touch and was texting me every day, he still is! He is complimenting me all the time like he did when we first met and best of all he keeps wanting to see me and is going out of his way to plan spending time with me. I actually can’t believe it’s happening, we are getting closer and it feels so right. I’ve never been so happy in my life! 

Anna Louise Savage

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